Google Research Grant for End-to-End Active Learning Framework for Medical Image Annotation

We develop a modularized active learning framework within the Google Cloud Platform, facilitating large-scale medical image annotation in a cost-effective manner while ensuring data sovereignty and privacy. Our work emphasizes a federated learning use case for healthcare data, taking into consideration data protection and security aspects. Our goal is to Read more…

IML member at Software Campus: Interpretability in Unsupervised Machine Learning: Local and Model-Agnostic Explanations

The Software Campus is a prestigious training program for master’s and doctoral students in computer science, preparing them for leadership roles. The program, supported by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, is a collaboration between 21 universities, research institutions, and companies. Participants lead their own IT research project, managing Read more…

Paper accepted at MICCAI 2023

The MICCAI Society is a professional organization dedicated to the fields of Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Interventions. It brings together researchers from various scientific disciplines such as computer science, robotics, physics, and medicine. The society is renowned for its annual MICCAI Conference, which allows for the presentation and Read more…