July 11, 2024 / News

MASTER project: General Assembly meeting in Saarbrücken

On 11 July, all partners of the MASTER project met in Saarbrücken at the DFKI premises for the first official...
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July 5, 2024 / News

Xprize Rainforest Finalists

Researchers from IML Oldenburg, together with doctoral students from the Applied Artificial Intelligence (AAI) department at the University of Oldenburg,...
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July 4, 2024 / News

IML at the UMAP conference 2024

Sara-Jane Bittner, from the Interactive Machine Learning department, presented a demo paper at the international conference on User Modeling, Adaptation...
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June 25, 2024 / News

Expert talk about Artificial Intelligence in healthcare at German Medical Association

Artificial Intelligence will increasingly change our healthcare system. To prepare doctors for this change and involve them in the process,...
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June 7, 2024 / News

IML at the AVI Conference 2024

Abdulrahman Mohamed, from the Interactive Machine Learning department, in collaboration with colleagues from the Cognitive Assistants department, presented a short...
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June 1, 2024

“Entdeckertage” at University of Oldenburg

To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the University of Oldenburg, the Wechloy campus opened its doors for an "Entdeckertag" (discovery...
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April 24, 2024

Invited talk and demo session for Casino-Gesellschaft Oldenburg

On April 24th, Prof. Dr. Daniel Sonntag gave an invited talk for the Casino-Gesellschaft Oldenburg, an over 200 year old...
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April 12, 2024 / News

CORE IML opens doors for “Praxisforum Digitalisierung”

At the Praxisforum Digitalisierung, we presented our latest advances in the field of Interactive Machine Learning. This half-day event, which...
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March 22, 2024 / News

Photo shooting for Google Research Grant

Last month, a photo shooting on behalf of Google took place at IML. The aim was to obtain professional photos...
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March 15, 2024 / News

Successful completion of the lighthouse project Ophthalmo-AI

After three years, the Ophthalmo-AI project, which focused on intelligent, cooperative medical decision support in ophthalmology, was concluded in mid-March....
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