On April 24th, Prof. Dr. Daniel Sonntag gave an invited talk for the Casino-Gesellschaft Oldenburg, an over 200 year old municipal association. Mr Reichelt, the chairman of Casino-Gesellschaft, introduced the event. Prof. Sonntag’s talk was about the journey to human-centered artificial intelligence. In addition, Prof. Gouvea from IML introduced the Amazon Rainforest contest we are participating in as an example of a human-centered AI application.
About 140 interested members of the Casino Gesellschaft Oldenburg attended the lecture evening at CORE Oldenburg.
After the invited talk and a short Q&A session, the CORE IML opened its doors, and the Casino members had the opportunity to attend a demonstration session organised by DFKI and AAI PhD students.
Natural Language Processing
A case study for contextualised image captioning uning foundation models: journalism enhancement with AI
Large language models (LLMs) and large multimodal models (LMMs) have significantly impacted the AI community, industry, and various economic sectors. In journalism, integrating AI poses unique challenges and opportunities, particularly in enhancing the quality and Read more…