On November 30th, the renowned Zweibrücken Symposium on Financial Services, which was organized by the Association of Friends of the Study of Financial Services at the University of Zweibrücken e.V. (FFZ e.V.), took place for the 25th time.
Under the guiding theme “Transformation and innovation – financial services are moving forward!”, well-known experts from science, business and politics gathered in the Audimax on the Zweibrücken campus of the Kaiserslautern University of Applied Sciences. The event was hosted by Prof. Dr. med. Karl-Herbert Schäfer, the HS Vice President for Research, who emphasized the importance of transformation and innovation in the dynamic financial services industry.
The first keynote of the day was presented by former Federal Minister Peter Altmaier, who dealt in detail with the “Current economic challenges in stormy times”. Afterwards, Prof. Sonntag provided an insight into the world of artificial intelligence with his lecture on “AI in Insurance: Opportunities and Risks”. He highlighted current research results in analytical and generative AI in a medical insurance context.