Two workshop papers with the University of Oldenburg were presented at the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL-2023) which took place in Toronto, Canada, as a hybrid conference, July 9 – 14, with both in-person and virtual attendance options. Aliki Anagnostopoulou presented a paper on interactive image captioning at the 4th SustaiNLP workshop, while Siting Liang presented a paper on Cross-domain German Medical Named Entity Recognition at the 5th Clinical NLP workshop.

The Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL) serves as a scientific and professional community dedicated to individuals involved in natural language processing. The conference named after the organization stands as a prominent and influential event for research in the field of natural language processing, alongside EMNLP. Held annually during the summer, the conference takes place in locations closely associated with significant advancements in computational linguistics research.

The Workshop on Simple and Efficient NLP (SustaiNLP) workshop has the goal of promoting more sustainable NLP research and practices, with two main objectives: (1) encouraging development of more efficient NLP models; and (2) providing simpler architectures and empirical justification of model complexity.

The Clinical NLP Workshop at ACL is a specialized event focused on the intersection of natural language processing and healthcare. It brings together researchers, practitioners, and experts to discuss the latest research and innovative methods for processing medical text, covering topics such as named entity recognition, relation extraction, sentiment analysis in patient reports, clinical coding, and clinical decision support systems.  Attendees will gain insights into the latest trends in clinical NLP and foster collaboration among participants.

Poster presentations at ACL conference in Canada